WOW Classic:PVP Honor System, World Bosses & Dire Maul

Nov-23-2019 PST Category: WOW Classic

Blizzard Entertainment released World of Warcraft Classic on August 27, 2019, and has been one of the most popular games since then. Blizzard announced that WOW Classic will release some new content on November 12, 2019, including PVP Honor System, World Bosses and Dire Maul. Learn more about them.

This is good news for hardcore gamers who have cleared the classic game endgame content and are looking for some new villain characters to pin a classic game with one or two nails. For bloodthirsty PvPers, the better news is their efforts to seek recognition.

The honor system is not perfect, but it is a fun and rewarding alternative to completing the game outside of the endgame (especially because those who reach a high level of armor are cool). With that in mind, the same update will benefit two new world bosses, including Azuregos and Lord Kazzak, so we all look forward to figuring out how to bring them to the main cities again. Initially, Boss 15 Azuregos and Boss 15 Doom Lord Kazzak were added at the beginning of World of Warcraft. They are the biggest improvement in the internal cooperation of the guild in the game and the confrontation between the guilds, because killing them requires tracking their generation, conducting raids, defeating encounters and opposing factions (sometimes including the grief of the same faction). Their spoils are also the best when they are popular.

When you participate in PvP content, whether it is outdoor PvP or battlefield, you will start to get honor kill (we call it HK). HK is usually awarded when you or someone on your team kills a player from the other faction. Players need to be counted as HK within your 10 levels (ie, their ratings are not grayed out). There are 14 ranks in the two factions. Each level requires a minimum number of level credits per week to be compared to other players on your server. Different levels can be used for each level, from PvP consumables to Epic mounts that don't require Epic riding skills and the highest level of Epic equipment. Each level will also be applied as a title to your character.

Looking for a new adventure to spend the last painful time, reaching level 60? The biggest increase in the second phase was Dire Maul, the labyrinth elf fortress in the depths of Feralas. Recommended for players who are leveling in the mid to late 50s, Dire Maul is the appropriate maze in the late game dungeon, full of killer trees and refined ogre.

Whatever your role in PVP Honor System, World Bosses & Dire Maul, all you need is the support of wow classic gold. World of Warcraft Classic Gold is the main currency in this game, you can use them to buy equipment, pets and items in the auction house.