Need help with my late game SSFHC nova sorc
The runes I've got I need to create an infinite for my ssfhc93 nova sorc. However, I've not ever played an infinity sorc and am worried about the mana replenishment rate. I'm used to having insight and nova consumes many manas so quickly.
I was thinking of create a phoenix monarch to use with it. I've seen this before and it looked awesome and a new meta. Does phoenix work well for Nova sorc or is spirit better? Phoenix is expensive and I'm not sure if I'll ever have another chance to look at these runes, therefore I'd like to know the best way to play.
My goal was to divide vit/energy so that my HP will always be just a single point above my mana, and my gear, so I could still use without the blood mana spells. I'd max out nova, static, and light mastery, frozen orb one point shield of energy, the rest of the points in the telekinesis. With split mana/vit, and only one point entering the ES, Phoenix should !(??) be able to recuperate from minor scrapes or huge mana losses.
It's really risky to pump energy and have no/low viability as HC player. I believe that blood mana spell creates baal runs, or any zone in the a5 with witches impossible to play. However, I've never played with ES to fully understand.
I'm not currently using energy shield I'm just using nova/frozen orb.
Is my plan bad? Does phoenix really need to be made to be used on nova Sorc and is it really extravagant, costly and inefficient? Are you able to get enough mana to recover by using spirit, in the absence of the max energy build? Does the max energy ES build suitable for HC? Does it cause too much irritation or is it risky for HC to manage blood mana spells to perform baal-runs or go to one of the A5 zones?
Should I go with Frozen Orb as my second skill , and still receive an ES (1 Point ES very close to the maximum Tele) or get maximum ES and go only nova, or should I get Hydra as a second skill, and omit ES completely?
Please help me to understand my options. It's been a long process to acquire these runes. I do not want to use them without care, which is why I really appreciate it.
My Present Equipment:
Griff (16/10 ptopaz)
Ormus (+3nova ptopaz)
Occy (ist)
War Trav
Goldwrap (haven't found arach just yet)
30 nagel
Ring 40 life 14@res
Spirit monarch
Chance guard
Resists 56% of fire 74% all other
Statistics: 156 str 441 vit 1288 HP, 75 mana energy... Have +2 cta in switch
Insight Thresher
Gladiator's Bane
Andy's face (ral)
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