Karamja/Brimeheven (PVE) Guide

Jan-22-2019 PST Category: News

Isolated Best Monsters Guide Idea: Karamja/Brimeheven and dungeons

TzHaar-Mej: has more Varied Drops, and seems more worth while then the otherTzHaar-Mej Creatures. as a whole I would attack them all though

Crandorisland/Dungeon: Home to many monsters, however Lessers Demons are thebest by far. mostly useful for its grapes and Fire runes.

TaiBwo Wannai Clean Up: Most useful items are: the Tribal masks, which canbe converted into brood shield also know as a Tribal shields with 8nails, 2 snake skins which grants the crafter 100 xp per shield.

BrimhavenDungeon has a lot of creatures, Narrowed the best monsters best I can combat ,here are the following; Fire Giants, Greater Demons, Black Demons, RedDragons, Iron/steel Dragons

Fire Giants: has good source drops for it's alchables, Rune arrows, and Fire runes.

Greater Demons: these Demons has a good drop table for pure essence, and Alchables and farily decent Crimson Charms

Black Demons: Has a reasonable drops for uncut and alchables also good for crimsons charms.

RedDragon has a well rounded drop table, useful for herbs of all levels,not bad for alchables and the Green charms are really good.

Iron/steel dragons are mainly very good for alchabes.

MithrilDragons, In resource Dungeon. (Requirement: 80 Dungeoneering, HardKaramja Tasks and Hoardstalker ring) The Main drops to go for is:Alchables, Rune bolts, rune arrows and potions. (if you want to increasemelee stats and prayer pots to restore your prayer)

AdamantDragons, there are three small rooms each one has a different slayerrequirement: 70, 80 and 90 the bigger room, to enter this dungeon youneed Hero's Welcome quest.

these adamant dragons are good forGreen charms, alchables, dragon Equipment (less Rarer then iron, Steeland Mithril Dragons), uncut diamonds, addy, rune bars and yews logs.

Tribesman are good for clue scrolls, because of it's area near the Karmaja dungeon there are lots of them.Make sure to bring semi decent food and a super anti poison as they all attacking you at once.

Harpie Bug Swarm: they are very good for medium cluescrolls and the best on Karamja, they also decent for: chaos runes.

Jogre: These Brutes drops decent Rate as a whole for gold charms,  and fairly decent for medium cluescrolls

JadinkoCreatures: there are three versions: Baby, Guard and Male: the Babiesare good for: Mahogany logs, Yew Logs , Magic logs, good for all levelherbs, they also drop a lot of seeds but none have good value (Tuesday,15th Jan 2019).

*Baby Jadinko, and Guard Jadinko  drops Hard Cluescrolls*

*Male Jadinko drops elite and Hard cluescrolls*

The Jade Vine Maze

The requirements is to have back to my roots half way finished or done,and I would recommend any who wants an easy way to get there is: EagleTransport system.

useful items: Machete- For Cutting the vines within the maze, Super anti potions, Monkfish or better fairly good armour.

Jade Vine Maze Monsters (best to kill): Giant Ant Soldier, Giant Ant Worker, Giant Wasp,

Giant Ant Soldier: Medium cluescrolls

Giant Ant Worker: all level Herbs, Air Runes x3-48, water runes x28 and Medium cluescrolls

Giant Wasp: All level Herbs, Water Runes and Medium cluescrolls.

Hope Karamja/Brimeheven (PVE) Guide help you, thank you for reading.

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