Halo Infinite Technical Preview: 343 Explains How People Are Chosen
The invitations for the first of multiple planned Halo Infinite multiplayer technical previews have begun going out, but not everyone who signed up for the Halo Insider program will get into the first test. There are a number of factors that play into whether or not they get selected, and a 343 employee has explained them in more detail.
Community director Brian Jarrard outlined the selection process on Twitter, explaining that there are multiple factors that will determine if you're chosen or not. The studio is inviting "a lot" of members of the Halo Insider program, but due in part to how much the Halo Insider program has expanded of late, "not everyone will get into this one."
In terms of how members are chosen, Jarrard said you must have fully completed your Halo Insider profile to be considered--and many, many people have not done this. After that, the studio is building out the multiplayer preview across platforms--Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
After that, the team prioritizes people by tenure (how long they've been Halo Insider members) until the number of invitations reaches the target the studio was hoping for.
If you think you've met the criteria but haven't received an invite yet, Jarrard said that due to the size of the first wave of invitations, you might not have received yours yet, but it could still be coming. Alternatively, Jarrard said your ISP/provider might be blocking the email in spam, so you should look in your spam/junk folder for the invite.
If for some reason you've lost access to your email on file, an invitation will still be sent to you through the Halo Waypoint website this Thursday, July 29. Also on Thursday is when instructions on how to download the Halo Infinite multiplayer technical preview will be sent out.
"And if you still don't get an invite--please don't despair!" Jarrard said. "I understand it's disappointing (heck, I NEVER get into closed 'betas' and the like) but we are planning for future flights that are larger in scope with even more Insiders being invited. Please hang in there and we greatly appreciate your interest and support!"
Ahead of the start of the Halo Infinite technical preview, 343 Industries will host a livestream showcase today, July 28, where it will discuss the preview and more. The test runs July 29-August 1, so those who were chosen can play all weekend.
Halo Infinite's multiplayer is completely free-to-play, which is a big change for the series. The full game launches this fall across Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, and it's included with Game Pass.
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