Former RuneScape group storage The Losses Will Be Restored

Jan-28-2022 PST Category: runescape

A team of experts from Old School RuneScape has been busy addressing the first issues that were encountered with Legends III's launch Legends III servers and several related issues, including reported loss of items due to Group Ironman storage. There have been a variety of hotfixes and a new process to fix the issues and ensure that things are moving forward.

After the launch of The Legends III worlds and the team was required to rollback servers before the update that introduced Legends. However the scores and progress were maintained. The worlds had opened smoothly and the mode was in full swing. But, there is no game without glitches. The currently running Group Ironman one seems to have the greatest effect, but it's not without its.

Group Ironman is still a new modeand is the first game that the game has seen in a long time There have been some issues that have grown. Storage shared by Group Ironman teams is newer than shared storage for other teams. RS3 Accounts players have been complaining of the losing items that are connected to their storage group. In an update to initial reports it was found that the group storage was stored in a different place from the players' personal files. The problem was attributed with the choice to restore the main server to its date prior to the update. It appears that users who transferred items from group storage prior to the rollback had been affected.

The issue couldn't be resolved with an update like other issues, but the solution is coming. After a thorough investigation, they discovered that some players had lost their items and others received additional items. For those who lost items and received extra OSRS Items, the OSRS team hopes to replace the items lost in the wake of the update this week. If you've received extra items, there will not be any actions taken as the impact was comparatively small.