Be compared to the other classes in Diablo 4
Really struggling to take advantage of the wizard, any advice? (level 41) So I tried other classes and couldn't believe how fast I killed the monsters. This made me start to look down on the Mage who was my first choice. Mage, Sorceress, and Wizard are by far my favorite classes in Diablo 1-3, but I'm at a loss for how bad it is compared to the other classes in Diablo 4.
Like Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer (haven't tried stealing) is almost easy and kills everything quickly and efficiently. My Sorcerer, despite its 50x healing so far, it takes a lot of time to kill groups of enemies. Every damn group takes too long, uses up my mana, uses all of my cooldowns, etc. I feel so weak.
I use the Arc Lash, Charged Bolt, Fire Bolt and Fireball, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport and Unstable Currents enchantments, with all passives increasing damage. I still feel as weak as any other class. I have some legendary gear, cold damage bonuses, and mob controlled enemies. It always smells like shit.
Am I doing something wrong or is the Mage objectively weaker than the other classes? Buy Cheapest Diablo IV gold, diablo 4 items and diablo 4 boosting service from, quickly do it.
There is no balance sheet. Mana is a disaster, don't even bother using it. We have passive, +3 to max mana, 3 damn! Why not 2 or 1, why is Blizzard so generously giving 3 damn points for max mana!? Or have they forgotten that it has to be 30 or %.
I run the build to spam Firewall and Hydra, then run and watch everything die, as I also use the more damaging aspect when I have more resources. Teleport to trigger increased damage with barrier-firewall-Hydra-Inferno-spam, fire shield - rinse and repeat :P Burning doesn't work, but I'll also use spark. The trash mobs are instantly killed by the fireball enchantment and the firewall melts the elites (I have +3 for the firewall item though). I watched the skill presentation before playing the game and I liked the firewall and Inferno animation the best, that's why I started using the fire build, though I generally prefer lightning, I'm not impressed with the animation. Turns out the firewall is the only fire spell possible in this game, I'm lucky.
I have no problems with t3, but I've never played with others, so I can't compare its speed (probably not fast, but I don't think slow either).